Saturday, March 31, 2012

We are what we eat! The american diet and its pitfalls

    The elephant in the room is out. The numbers speak for themselves. Heart disease and cancer take away more than  1 million of our beloved family and friends every year. Chances are, you or someone in your family is affected by the glorification of absurdly unhealthy eating habits of this country. You say, Yes, but how can I say no? its tastes so good! Well, let me tell you from personal experience. Ive tried both sides. Eating healthy is not nasty, it is not bland, it is not boring! In fact, it is quite the contrary. Not only is eating a plant-rich diet expectionally healthy for your body, mind, and overall well-being, but it TASTES a whole lot better. In these next few posts, I will substantiate this evidence a bit more with information from leading doctors in the field of healthy eating and living. We dont have to kill ourselves with our food. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Hey people,
Let me be clear! This blog is not a weight loss blog! This blog is all about eating healthy, living healthy, feeling, looking, and hey even smelling GREAT.  If that's what you are looking for, then I look forward to this journey of healthy living with you. If you simply want to go on an easy diet, You are in the wrong place, sorry. Heres to healthy living!