Sunday, April 22, 2012

Picky Eaters - Getting Kids to Eat Healthy

Author: Lin Burress
Do you have a picky-eater in your house? Are you struggling to get your children to eat a healthy, balanced meal because they simply refuse to eat healthy food? Is your picky eater becoming an overweight statistic, willing to only eat fried foods, pizza, hot dogs, waffles and other sugar-coated sweet treats?

You may even find yourself feeling like you've become a "short order" cook in your own home, serving up cafeteria-style meals for each family member just to keep the peace. If this sounds at all familiar, and you want to learn how to get your picky eater to eat healthy foods and have better health, carefully consider the following:

Children learn what they live, so if parents are not setting the right example, by eating a healthy diet themselves, parents are setting the stage for failure with their own children‘s health. Getting children to eat healthy food needs to begin when children are very young, while their tastes for different foods are still developing. Toddlers and older children can learn to love healthy foods, even if they are now very picky about what they will or will not eat.

"Samantha" is an overweight eight year-old child, who has just begun eating salads and a couple varieties of meats. Until very recently, she refused to eat anything but hot dogs, waffles, pizza, chicken nuggets, French fries and anything loaded with sugar. When she and her parents are invited to dinner at someone's home, they inevitably bring along a box of frozen waffles and syrup to heat and serve their "picky eater" in place of the planned meal.

Samantha's parents' would lament, "we think she has a mental block", due to her refusal to eat anything remotely healthy. I dare say it isn't the child who has a mental block! Samantha's parents have enabled this behavior in their child by passing on their own dislike of healthy foods, and they now have an overweight statistic to show for it.

"Tara" is a mother of two young daughters, six year old Jessica and five year old Chelsey. While Tara is preparing a healthy and nutritious meal for her husband, she will ask her daughters what they want to eat for dinner because "they hate everything", ultimately preparing three separate meals in order to "keep the peace" at the dinner table. Tara often complains that she doesn't like this never-ending ritual, but fails to realize that putting a stop to it is well within her abilities as a parent of these two young girls.

Children that are picky eaters are that way because parents are allowing it to happen. It's your parental responsibility to make the rules about meals and snacks - not your child or teenagers. If you want your children to eat healthy, then serve them healthy and nutritious meals that the entire family can enjoy together.

If your child adamantly refuses to eat the healthy meal set before them, then cover and save their meal in the refrigerator until they later say they're hungry. Then simply say, "That's good because I saved your dinner for you". Reheat and serve the meal to your child. Children that are truly hungry will eat. Children are not harmed by missing a meal or two.

It's important to remember that being a picky eater is a learned behavior, and it will take time and determination on the part of the parents' to change things around.

Getting your children to learn to love fruits and vegetables can often be accomplished by offering small amounts of dipping sauces, dressings, or flavored low-fat yogurt to dip into. Instead of doling out cookies, brownies, donuts, chips and other high-calorie snacks, keep a variety of well-stocked fresh fruits or vegetables in easy reach of hungry children.

From the time my children were very young, they ate and snacked on fresh and uncooked broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery with peanut butter, and all varieties of fresh fruits. We regularly introduced new items, especially different ethnic foods, and over a period of time learned to love all healthy foods. Sugary sweets such as cakes or cookies were saved for a special treat on weekends, rather than a nearly nightly occurrence following the evening meal.

Changing the behavior of a picky eater may not be an easy task, but nothing about parenting is easy. The sooner parents' start changing their own attitudes and behaviors towards healthy eating, the sooner they can expect their children to do the same.

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Poor Man's Guide To Eating Healthy

Author: Isabella R. Sapphire
If you have very little money to spend on healthy foods because of the price, then you will find this advice to be just what you need for eating healthy with little money.

Being a healthy eater requires you to become both educated and smart about what healthy eating actually is. Being food smart isn't about learning to calculate grams or fat, or is it about studying labels and counting calories.

Eating healthy requires quite a bit of leeway. You might eat too much or not enough, consume foods that are sometimes more or less nutritious. However, you should always fuel your body and your brain regularly with enough food to keep both your mind and body strong and alert.

Eating healthy is something we all would like to do, although it can be hard.  In order to eat healthy, you must first make the right food choices.  Eating healthy is all about what you eat, which makes the choices very crucial to your results.

Stop eating Processed junk food and do your grocery shopping on your own, because your children and sometimes your spouse are usually the ones requesting Processed junk food. Shopping alone will ensure that you only buy the foods that you need.

Drink pure Filtered Water and unsweating herb tea instead of coffee, milk, juice and soft drinks. If you need milk or milk products on a daily basis for your Children, then buy organic milk or milk products with 2% or less fat, low sugar and salt.

Buy fruits in quantity, When they are in season, buy fruits in quantity and freeze any extras. You can buy several pounds this way, and freeze extras to have them when the fruit goes out of season. Wash the fruit well, remove any spoiled pieces, dry thoroughly, then freeze in plastic zipper bags.

Lean Meats and beans are a good sources for protein, but lean meat is more expensive than meats with a lot of fat, so limit your meats to once or twice a month. All beans are a healthier chose for protein then meats, as they give you protein at a great price.

You should use beans as a substitute for meat on a frequent occasion. There are several varieties, so you can prepare them in a crock pot, when you return home they are ready to  consume.

The USDA recommends eating beans at least 4 times per week.  If you experience gas after eating beans you should try washing them, covering them with water and put half a raw potato into the pot of beans, bringing the water to a boil, then draining it off and remove the cooked potato, leaving the pot with just beans. 

If you live in a coastal area or an area where fish are around, make that an integral part of your diet. You can catch them from the lakes or rivers, saving money in the process.

Peanut butter is great for those with low income, as it's popular with almost everyone. You can use it for sandwiches instead of eating hot dogs. Read the label on the jar as sum Peanut butter jars need to be refrigerated and sum does not, although bigger jars can last you for weeks or months.

You should buy foods that have a high content of water.  Watermelon, salads, and even sugar free gelatin are all great examples. 

Healthy eating is all about balanced and moderate eating, consisting of healthy meals at least three times per day.  Healthy eaters eat many different types of foods, not limiting themselves to one specific food type or food group.

You should always remember that restricting food in any way is always a bad thing.  Healthy eating is a way of life, something that you can do to enhance your body or your lifestyle.  If you've thought about making your life better, healthy eating is just the place to start.  You'll make life easier for yourself, those around you, and even your family.

By picking your foods wisely and watching what you eat, you'll help control your lifestyle.  Exercise is great as well, as it goes along perfect with a healthy eating lifestyle.  No matter what your age may be, eating healthy will help you keep your active lifestyle for years and years - even help you and your health in the long run as well.

Eating healthy is always something you can't go wrong with.  You can eat healthy for just a few bucks, which makes it perfect for those with low income. Now, you don't need a lot of money to have the lifestyle and health you've always wanted.
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Friday, April 13, 2012

How to Live a Natural and Healthy Lifestyle - 12 Tips on Healthy Living

Author: Kristin Jensen
A Natural and Healthy Lifestyle.
Program your mind to always be living a natural and healthy lifestyle and the body will soon crave it. Imagine that the body is your engine and give it the very best "fuel" and conditions to prevent diseases. The body is amazing in its ability to constantly work towards restoring a state of optimum health. Once you realize the benefits, and then put into practice the steps necessary to achieve them, a natural and healthy lifestyle will become second nature to you. A natural and healthy lifestyle is sustainable which is of great benefit to nature and to our children. That alone is a reason to shift to a more natural lifestyle.
"Where the mind leads, your body must follow!".
tips on healthy living
12 tips on healthy living - how to live a natural and healthy lifestyle:
  1. Eat organic and unrefined food.
  2. Drink water or make your own juice.
  3. Prepare food in a way that doesn't "kill" the food.
  4. Grow organic vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries.
  5. Use natural resources as wild berries, herbs, mushrooms.
  6. Eat to live, don't live to eat.
  7. Spend more time outside, and live in harmony with nature.
  8. Use natural alternatives to medicines when possible.
  9. Compost your wastes and recirculate as much as possible.
  10. Reuse and/or buy second hand, give away things you don't need.
  11. Follow your intuition (listen to your soul), follow your heart, dare to be yourself.
  12. Practice meditation and yoga.
Find your special natural and healthy lifestyle.
It is unattainable for all to do all the things on this list - it is apparent that if you live in an apartment on 32nd floor in New York it'll be difficult to grow your own vegetables. A good alternative is to buy organic grown vegetables. For many it may also be a problem to find organically grown vegetables close by. Organic green superfoods and vitamin/mineral supplements can be a good addition to your diet if you can't find organic products.
Start out small - set goals!
My best advice is that you simply discuss with your spouse, partner and or kids what changes you would like and wish to do in your life, in order to have a more natural and healthy lifestyle. You don't need to implement all of the 12 tips on healthy living. Start with one or two. When you are making this a family matter it is easier to accomplish as you can support one another when necessary. It is most probable that you have different wishes and needs.
Write down your goals and put them on a place where you easily can see them. Don't try to change everything from one day to another. Take one step at a time. Soon it will become a new habit and then you can introduce the next step. If you do this you will find that it is not hard. And when you notice the effect it has on your wellbeing you will be inspired to continue - the ball is spinning.
Example of a goal could be: (make a deadline).
  • I want to lose xx pounds.
  • I want to get rid of my belly fat.
  • I don't want to expose my children for additives, artificial preservatives or pesticides.
  • I want more energy.
  • I want to cure my colon problems.
Your main goal should be to live a HAPPY NATURAL LIFE! Bring it to mind it's never too late to begin - Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Start implementing a few of the tips on healthy living today.
You will find all you need for a healthy life HERE!
Go here to read about how to prevent diseases and stay healthy!
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About the Author
Mona Kristin Jensen is the owner of Happy Natural Life. She wants her Web page to be a place where you can find inspiration and information to live a happier and healthier lifestyle, more in harmony with yourself and Mother Nature. Her motto is "Be Yourself and Be Happy - Never Stop Dreaming!"
Subscribe to my newsletter and receive two free e-books 101 ways to better health and loving yourself and others.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

When Does Eating Healthy Make Your Life Happy?

Author: Hal Johnson
Is it possible for our eating lifestyle to affect our entire lifestyle? Definitely! It is like saying if we eat healthy we are actually living a happy life. Obviously, since when we are well-fed, we are healthy in all aspects—mentally, physically, spiritually, and of course, emotionally. And this is what actual happiness is. When we live in the healthiest possible way, there should be no reason for us not to be totally happy, too.
There are times when we get a little bit cloudy in terms of our outlook in life. This is particularly true on an empty and not properly nourished stomach. Eating, not just any food, but good ones, can actually fuel you to last the whole day full of activities and pressures. Being fed well will not make you feel in any way groggy, or even dead-tired. And when we are hungry and poorly nourished our line of thinking and point of view will also be affected in an adverse way.
So, your question will probably be, what are the things that one must do in order to live a healthy lifestyle? This good question requires a good answer. The primary thing we should do is that we have to know and we have to be informed about what is the exact meaning of eating healthy.
To eat healthy does not in any way mean dieting and becoming very thin. It does not mean becoming a religious vegetarian, nor does it mean to be vitamin supplements dependent, or eating only one or two of the basic food group. Although, you must not also think that doing these things will mean that you are not healthy, but rather it simply means and shows that you are depriving yourself of the chance to know what healthy eating actually means.
Enjoying the food you eat can be one sign of good eating. In your attempt to eat healthy, it does not necessary mean that you will be choosing those foods that you regard as "bad tasting". It may mean, on the other hand, giving your taste buds the chance to finally meet and get used to eating organic, fresh, safer, and cleaner foods that you can have and you can give your family.
Another thing is that you certainly do not have to stop and deprive yourself of the chance to enjoy some of the foods that you really love. Instead, you can start by making small steps into going over the border of those foods you usually eat over the good and the right and the healthy ones. Having a positive mind and a positive outlook on this will also make you have a positive view of how you should eat right. Anyway, if there is someone who should love yourself first, that someone would have to be you. So start loving yourself. Through this, you will be able to finally realize what should be done.
Remember that having a healthy eating will also gibe healthy organs. Take note that your body is a living organism in any way you look at it. Therefore, it needs and requires all the nutrition it can get in order to work properly, and most especially to stay alive. Healthy foods are precisely needed by all our organs—our heart, liver, kidneys, and all the other bodily organs. They definitely need foods that are healthy in order to function at their optimum levels.
Whenever you get sick, caught a disease, or run down, this is primarily because your body is not getting the vital nutrition that it needs to keep it running smoothly. And even though each organ has its own function, they have to work together for a total mind and health fitness.
And finally, healthy eating will definitely and 100% promote positive benefits and positive changes. It is not enough that you lose weight, but the most important thing is that you managed to change the way you are eating. And if this leads to weight loss, then it will be your bonus. Changing the old pattern of the way you eat will really make the difference in your outlook and lifestyle.  Just remember this in your journey, do not get overwhelmed by all the things you are reading about eating and losing weight. And this, in turn, will make your life a happy one.
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About the Author
Hal Johnson has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit his latest website over at Insect Repellent Bands which helps people find the next level of protection with Herbal Insect Repellent and information on an alternative Pesticide families can feel good about.

Tips on Eating Healthy!

Author: Ed Stephens

Healthy eating factsdaily healthy eating plans

Tips on eating healthy in the winter

Summer time brings an abundance of fruits and vegetables, so eating healthy in summer aren't very difficult at all. Winter on the other hand, requires us to vary our game plan. True, you won't get juicy ears of corn but there is an abundance of winter fruits and vegetables too – we just need to know what they are. Come winter and most of us stock up on canned foods. We don't need to do that. We can eat fresh fruits and healthy veggies recipes in the winter too and this article will explain how.

Eating healthy and healthy menu planner in the winter tip 1: You can buy Fresh in winter too!

Vegetables such as Beets Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Potatoes, Spinach, Sweet potatoes, Winter squash, turnips, parsnips and rutabagas grow in abundance in winter. The fruit list too is equally extensive and includes Bananas, Grapes, Oranges, Pomegranate, Cranberries, Kiwi, Passion fruit, Pears and Tangerine.

Eating healthy in the winter tip 2: Know your daily food planner!

Always plan your menu and based on your plan, prepare the shopping list. Your daily healthy eating plans should always be to include fresh produce of the season. Avoid canned and processed food as much as possible.

Tips on eating healthy in the summer

It is very easy to eat healthy in the warmer months so we must not let go of the opportunity. The local grocery stores are flooded with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables and so there is absolutely no reason to buy canned or processed food during the summer. Summer also means you can bring out the BBQ and enjoy grilled foods every evening.

Easy healthy eating in the summer tip 1: Know your meats

Buy your meat from the local butcher shop rather than the mall. At the butcher shop you can see and select lean cuts of beef, including round, sirloin and loin cuts. You do not have to buy precut and packaged stuff from the mall. Also, meats in the mall may not be as fresh as meat at the butchers shop.

Eating healthy in the summer tip 2: There's lots of variety, so be adventurous

There simply is no reason to stick to the same food day after day week after week. During the summer there's such a wide choice of vegetables and herbs available that it would be criminal not the take advantage of it and spice up your healthy diet plan. Did you know you could add fresh fruit to your meats as well? For example, this summer try making Oriental Kabobs with chicken chunks alternated with fruit. We guarantee the taste will be amazing.

Eating healthy in the summer tip 3: Stay hydrated

It's not just plants that need to be watered. Our body needs 7 to 8 glasses of water a day otherwise it will not be able to metabolize the food we eat or replace the water we lose as sweat or the moisture we lose when we breathe out. (That's right; we lose moisture every time we breathe out).

Healthy eating guide in the summer tip 4: Homemade popsicles

Your kids will love this. Stock your refrigerator with fresh berries, healthy breakfast recipes and yogurt. If your kids love those colorful but harmful factory made popsicles, you can make them at home by simply freezing 100 percent fresh fruit juice.

Click for Healthy eating facts and Food pyramid for kids

Healthy menu planner
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About the Author
Ed Stephens started life as a Scientist and this passion has evolved into a focus on making a difference to people's lives, leveraging proven science based solutions. First with the emphasis on providing a one-stop diabetes solution store for the prevention & management of Type 2 diabetes with and now with the launch of a dietitian-designed line of microwaveable, portion control dinnerware made in high quality porcelain material, now available at Ed remains committed to helping lives in these small ways and who knows what's the next adventure up his sleeves. Stay tuned!

Eat Healthy To Lose Weight - How To Conquer Your Own Excuses

Author: Steve Robison
Eating Healthy To Lose Weight
A whole lot of people never give eating healthy to lose weight a try for a number of reasons. They claim they don't have the time or the willpower, or they just don't like healthy food, or being fat is their natural body makeup, or they're too tired. Some even blame it on the weather. If they have cold winters, they say they can't lose weight because it's too cold. If they have hot summers, they say it's too hot. Some say they don't have time even though it takes the same amount of time to eat unhealthy as it does to eat healthy. Then some have simply never learned how to eat healthy to lose weight
There are no doubt, hundreds of excuses people use to avoid healthy eating. You and I know these are merely excuses. If some people can eat healthy, there's really no reason everybody can't eat healthy.

How To Conquer The Excuses and Eat Healthy To Lose Weight
Get out of bed

If it's too cold, too hot, you lack the willpower, you don't like healthy food, you're too tired, whatever your excuse...just get out of bed in the morning. Nothing is more healthy than simply getting out of bed. Your heart beat increases, your lungs open up taking in life-giving oxygen, and your blood begins delivering that oxygen to all parts of your body. With that activity, your brain and nervous system come to life and the drowsiness begins leaving your body.

Light exercise

Institute a light, 15 minute exercise routine every morning when you get out of bed. It doesn't need to be strenuous exercise. Just enough movement to increase your heart beat, open your lungs, and lubricate your joints. Then, eat breakfast.

Eat a small, nutritious breakfast

Eating breakfast is one of the most important things you can do to control your weight. If your body is not accustomed to eating breakfast...change that behavior. Your body will adjust to eating breakfast very quickly. Your body wants breakfast. It has gone without food all night and needs refueling (healthy refueling).

Your body wants carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and water. Carbohydrates for energy to wake up and get all your organs started, protein to keep your blood sugar level in check, fiber for efficient digestion, and water. All body organs, especially your digestive system need plenty of water to function efficiently.

Drink water, even if you might think you don't like water. Acquire a taste for water. Your body wants and needs water, pure, clean water. Not these so-called fruit juices (unless freshly squeezed with nothing added). These processed fruit juices are full of sugar type additives and flavorings that your body does not know what to do with, so it simply stores them as fat. Your body craves water.

No coffee! Coffee offers your body no health benefits whatsoever. Coffee is merely an addictive drug, it is the world's biggest drug addiction. Coffee dehydrates your body and is a contributing factor in many of the diseases and conditions falsely attributed to growing old.

No bread or potato products (doughnuts, sweet rolls, hash browns, etc.). These are starchy carbohydrates. Starchy carbohydrates break down to glucose very quickly making your blood sugar spike. Also, if you're not active enough to burn all that glucose, your body will store it as fat.

What is a small, nutritious breakfast? Fresh fruit, a bowl of oatmeal, and a tall glass of water. Or, a freshly prepared fruit smoothie along with your favorite nuts.

Healthy Eating To Lose Weight

To lose weight you need to eat several small, healthy meals every day. Yes, it's true. One of the major contributors to being overweight is failing to eat regular meals. When your body does not receive nourishment on a regular schedule it starts storing fat for the future, because it doesn't know when it will receive food again. If you feed your body every few hours, it relaxes, stops storing fat, and you start losing weight.

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a healthy, small mid morning and mid afternoon snack is critical to your health and weight loss.

Your three main meals need to include lean meat for protein. Salmon, turkey, or lean beef. Plenty of freshly cooked, or raw vegetables. A green, leafy salad with nuts. And fresh fruit.

Your mid morning and afternoon snack could include carrot sticks, lettuce, or nuts.

Body Movement
The human body was designed for movement. Movement quickens the heart beat and opens the lungs, thus distributing needed oxygen to all parts of the body. This increased blood flow stimulates the brain and nervous system making them more attentive and alert.

The exercise does not need to be strenuous, but it needs to be often. If you sit at a desk all day, get up and take a short walk every hour. When you arrive at work and before you leave for home, take a quick brisk walk around the parking lot.

Every morning and evening, go through a light, 15 minute workout.

To summarize, 1) get out of bed every morning, 2) go through a 15 minute exercise routine, 3) eat a light, healthy breakfast, 4) have a mid morning snack, 5) eat a healthy lunch, 6) have a mid afternoon snack, 7) eat a light, healthy dinner. Follow these seven steps and your excuses will become healthy eating habits. You'll find you are eating healthy to lose weight and loving it.
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Retired...8 children...25 grandchildren...Life is Great!

However, we find ourselves with a huge problem, especially here in the US. That problem is unhealthy foods.

We're finding foods we once thought of as healthy, are not so healthy.

This problem is responsible for escalating weight gain, the alarming occurence of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other degenerative diseases.

It's time we started speaking out!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to eat healthy- even when your cash flow isn't as healthy

1. Meat off! 
It's absolutely true — purchasing grass-fed, organic, pastured, free-range, or hormone-free animal products cost more. The good news is that most Americans eat more meat than they need to. Buying more expensive, but better quality meats but eating less of them is an exceptional way to balance the costs.

2. Buy local food. 

Be sure to travel to your local farmer’s market ASAP. Ask farmers how they grow their foods — sometimes they are only minimally sprayed (or not at all), but the expenses of organic certification is too much.
If there is produce you want to buy in bulk (so you can preserve it), make sure to see if local farmers will give you a discount for bulk purchases.
3. Stay away from fake food! 
While it may seem like some processed foods are cheaper, the rip off is the lack of nourishment they provide.
Empty calories leave us clamoring for real food. However, when one spends money on real, whole, organic and fresh foods, we also find that we shift our old ways of food shopping.
Many processed foods can be replicated in the kitchen for much cheaper.   Things like frozen pancakes, television dinners, baked goods, or prepackaged children's lunches can be easily made in your kitchen for less. Other processed foods can simply be carved out of your diet, like candy, chips, and soda.
Each person and family must make prudent financial choices. Small changes in the way we feed our families can help us find that perfect spot between staying responsible with our budgets, and feeding ourselves and our families healthy, organic and necessary foods.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

healthy weight loss

The company philosophy is sustainable health and weight loss making the retreat a company that is going to create long term permanent change. When guest complete the seven day retreat programme they then begin a three month after care programme.
FitFarms weight loss Retreat is Bringing Out a New Clothing Range and Offering a 10% Discount to All Guests - YAHOO! 

That's when I got serious about weight loss and changing my lifestyle to a healthier life ... We cook for ourselves and eat healthy, organic food whenever possible. I started losing weight by hooping and took off a ton of pure fat.
weight loss Success: Keith Moore Was Inspired By Wife Jen To Lose 100 Pounds - Huffington Post 

healthy weight loss

healthy snack

Reading stories about the travails of non-media companies, I find myself drawn to analogies to the plight of the newspaper industry. Thus I was stopped short a few weeks back by a New York Times report on a strategy shift at PepsiCo. Once upon a ...
healthy snacks, 'digital first' and the speed of the news industry's transformation - 

snacks are for diet champions. Those who are most successful at dropping weight--and keeping it off--typically have three meals and several healthy snacks a day, since going too long without eating can slow metabolism and throw blood sugar ...
25 Healthful snacks Under 200 Calories - Yahoo Finance 

healthy snack

Monday, April 2, 2012

Get in shape!

NEEDHAM, Mass., March 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- get in shape For Women—the first fitness franchise to focus uniquely on small-group personal training—has rolled out fresh branding initiatives all geared toward creating a new look and feel to ...
get in shape For Women Launches New Branding initiatives - Yahoo Finance 

COAL TOWNSHIP - During the month of March, Our Lady of Lourdes Regional School taught students the value of adding vegetables to their diet as part of National Nutrition Monday. This year's slogan is "get Your Plate in shape," which encourages ...
OLOL promotes 'get your plate in shape' - 

I had a few reminders during a recent weekend what it's like to try to get back in shape. The first was at the gym. Wow, those weights are heavy. The second was running — or, rather, trying to run. Starting an exercise regimen can be tough, discouraging ...
Let's get in shape for summer - Appeal-Democrat 

get in shape

Healthy food list

The Health Department will work closely with volunteer groups before a planned event. Trained inspectors can review several areas, including a list of foods to be prepared, the importance of foodpreparation and required temperatures for food to be served and stored.
Health officials offer support for temporary food programs - Press Republican 

Schwarz walked through a list of public concerns the board had received ... Groups also must display their permits, which will include contact information for the Health Department in case of food-related illness, at the time food is served.
Health board approves amended rules on food handouts - Philadelphia Daily News 

In "The Happiness Diet," Graham, a health journalist, and Ramsey, a psychiatrist, lay out the organic substances necessary for happiness: nutrients such as Vitamin B12, folate and omega-3s. They listand explain which whole foods contain them ...
Green book roundup: Choosing real food, even if it means killing it yourself - Miami Herald 

healthy food list

eat healthy recipies

Experts agree eating breakfast is an important start for your healthy day. It gives you the energy to go ... and gives you the energy to tackle your busy day. Below is a basic recipe for a protein-packed nutty granola. You can add more or less of any ...
healthy breakfast recipe for nutty granola - Examiner 

eat healthy recipes

eating healthy foods

The case for buying locally produced, unprocessed, in-season healthy food is strong ... “We have farms and are keen on having family reunions on them and eating food grown on them.” So far, in speaking with store owners, Armijo and his student ...
Food for thought - New York Post 

eating healthy foods

healthy meal plans

plans call for retrofitting the former Natural Stone Source ... The outlets are aimed at people too busy to prepare their own healthy meals at home, according to My Fit Foods website. Health food stores and even healthy prepared food stores ...
My Fit Foods plans first Oklahoma location on Cherry Street - Tulsa World 

LOS ANGELES - A new pro-benefits of a healthy breakfast program ... John Deasy and actress/star of "Modern Family" Sofia Vergara will talk up the new meal plan at Figueroa Street Elementary School Thursday morning. Breakfasts will be delivered ...
A healthy Breakfast is Good "Food For Thought!" - 

healthy meal plans